Monday, August 3, 2009

Just one more heartache and i'll collapse.


I cant take it any longer.

Today school was fine, kinda slacky cos mr.goh nvr come, so free periods for maths and physics with im very happy about cos i nvr finish my hwork. was talking to janis, xinfang, wen & ahma thorough the two periods, had a fun time laughing at alot of stuffs :)
recess slacked with sisters at staircase there thn the usual place, mirabelle was imitating mdm zhou which made us all laugh like mad. jerlene was reading the book and talking to herself, vicky say she always talk and laugh to herself as if the book is ____ ahas.. crapping with vicky & janis and others.
Sister is back for it and poa and done her braces, it looks very good on her, still as pretty, dont know what she so scared to let ppl see abt, haha.


After school, slacked in school with ahma, jocee, wen while waiting for janis art thing finish, janis thn tell us to go eat first, so we went to eat thn wait for her come eat also. after that they went for their rainbow thing, me and wen met up with andrea, took our bags and went to the LIBRARY~

While andrea was there stressing about maths, me and wen go see see books, find books to read. we took the 'Leonardo' Book, all his art pieces and we were like imagining and talking about all the pictures. ahahaa, damn fun loh, laugh like mad. the person in the picture is a guy right, thn andrea keep saying its a girl, keep on opposite with me and claims that she's right. but i still think im right~ :D somemore gt alot of obscene photos like a baby's naked body which is like so *cough*.. hor wen? ahas. thn after reading that book, me and wen go take alot of other book come see see, LOL, super fun lah dey, we were like distracting andrea frm doing her work. Heh, but the idiotic andrea keep suan-ing me lah, irritating :X heh bt still, she rocks to me always. Wen and me had a hard time trying not to laugh too loud in the library, ahahaha. :D

After the librarian chase us out we went to the sparks room outside, wait for vicky they all. The librarian's gonna resign alrdy :( she rocks loh seriously. i hope the replace one wont be fierce and be as nice as her :) hahaha, after everything, janis and jocee homed first. thn i waited for that jerlene yong band to end just to talk to her (OMG YVETTE'S SO NICE!!!) :D fei hua so long nvr talk to her alr.


Jer came dwn, thn me & wen wait for vicky, andrea, rosa, ruth, dabian thn all go tgt. but ahma went off first. after that people said bye and homed.

but pei-ed jer peiing ruth wait for bus, after ruth went on the bus, talked to jer at the bus stop. Thn her father called going to meet her, thn continue talk thn walk her to traffic light, thn both homed. Will be waiting for her call later tonight.

thats all maybe :D
bye people, have a nice day and stay happy always.

I cant make a choice, it hurts terribly.



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