Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blow my heart out

Sister and brother.

Today is saturday, finally a day off.
seriously everything is making me so tired..
nvrmind, shall look thru these photos and i'll be smiling, heh (:

Had fun today with people.
& took photos with those horney idiots jerlene and wen. LOLS.
luvvvvv them man :O

here are the photos,
PLEASE BE HONOURED.. that i spent time editing some of them (8

Here's a photo abt my 85 year old this year AHMA
:) taken by jerlene.. HERE!

LOL. Please excuse this stupid photo by Jerlene :


Here's photos of ytd with family..
like what loh, family purposely dont want smile whn i told them to,
thn purposely give one dao face, wth, LOL

This photo was taken awhile ago..
first photo's ahma, the other is wen & jocee imitating her. haha.

thats all for today,i'm so tired mans.
guess this post will be the first post for a long time cos i updated so long right.
ok,byebye! gonna go watch my jap drama absolute boyfriend! :)



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