Wednesday, July 29, 2009



I hate to be the cause.

When is blogger gonna be okay again, all my posts now so wordy..

Today early in the morning, met wen, janis & jocee at bangkit lrt at 7.15, when its like WEDNESDAY okay. All thanks to Mr goh loh, ask us come early hand in, end up maths lesson thn hand in also. But nvm, i love being w them anyway :D Jer came early to find us too, think cos she miss me too much uh. LOL

Heh lessons were okay for today, mayb especially nice cos whole class no nid see ms kang for the day. Stress relief uh she nvr come, come i stress uh. heh, ms durga never come too, but dont rly make a difference cos i dont even listen to what she's talking abt always, aha.

After school, headed to bangkit go eat with wen, janis, ahma and jocee as usual, heh.
two bimbos and a old woman veh scared of a cute dog, dk whats wrong with them, at least i nvr scared until dont even dare to sit dwn uh. Homed early today, so guai, 3 ++ reach home. cool or what :D

Went home to slack thn went to plaza with family to walk arnd while waiting for my bro tuition end plus take ic photo, effing ugly, whatever laaa. irritating lah, fringe cnt over eyebrow, ears must be seen, rather all cut botak take think also nicer ._. Saw jerlene yong and others there, heh, went up to talk abit thn went bk to my parents le. Bought alot of tidbits at ntuc, wee but aww.. cos i wanna eat but dont wanna put on weight. whatever la, aha.

Changed blogsong to my fav song le. tee hee. byebye :D

Daily horoscope (Sagittarius):
The emotions have been all over the place for you when it comes to love, haven't they, Sagittarius. Today will be a day when you receive clarity on this factor, and you will find yourself being able to identify precisely what emotions you need to cling to. Do not be surprised if you find yourself putting thoughts on paper, or find the power that comes from within when you put it all out there in black and white. When it comes to love, you are understanding today that there are many approaches to your current love situation or problem, and you will very easily attempt each of these solutions today. While you are doing so, one solution will seem to "fit" more than the others do, and this is the one you want to stick with.


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