Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm not gonna hide, yes i'll let it show.

Finding comfort in pain.


(wordyyy cos of stupid blogger.)

though i got bullied lyk crazy by those asses wen & janis, and kinda pissed me off, aha, but they're funny enough to make me laugh again, as usual uh. :) Wen and me was discussing about hot guys and other random stuff during geog free period, hehs, so funny loh, totally enjoyed the talk, ahahaha. Got shoot-ed by tcher during chem, make me angry thn make me shuang again,crazy tcher. dont bother. Just at the end of chemistry, sister came back to school, yayness. Thn after school, headed to bangkit with them as usual, went to buy all of our own food and went to a void deck arnd bangkit to eat lunch, eat and talk.

The weather's super cold & thats the reason we strted playing with PE shirts. ahaha! The stupid janis strted it. Me, janis and wen strted to play, thn Janis like nun lydat luh, thn wen like chicken, thn they say i like ''hong tou jin''. LOL, cos our tshirts are red mah.
Thn we strted creating alot of stuff with the shirt, like japanese soldier and stuff. Thn we go make clothes, Wen go do Tubes loh, bian tai but rly look like. :X Jocee say wen look like beggar, LOL idiots. Thn janis go mess up her hair thn look like just kena kidnap or *ahem*. Haha. I make super long noobie skirt which like chef lydat they say. We made others too, *coughs* confidential, HAH!
Had tons of fun, but ahma's wasnt hyper today nvr pei he,
unlike us, (wen, janis, jocee, me) :D

Lemme end with this :



I cant stand you, No i cant.



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