Thursday, July 9, 2009

Whatever happens, what i know is i cannot take a day without knowing you're here.

Frustrated, confused, heartaches = Worn out.

Late today (first time only thn kena call parents!!) WTHHH.
Nvm, my mum knws im late anyway.
Miss kang came today for the first period with a sorta surprise chem test,
and a new seating arrangement.. 100% fail the test badly.
Seating arrangement was alright, cos wen, ahma & xinfang's near me,
so i got ppl to talk to. weeee.

the rest of the periods were quite okay,
but effing hate D&T luhh, seriously man, cnt take it.
Just got scolded by mother cos of D&T. :|
at least there's someone there to hear my complains. wahahahaaaaa.

took contact lens alrdy, kinda uncomfortable cos they say my pupil's smaller thn average,
whtever mans, X.X

later going tuition le,
with sister, wen & janis.
hope after that at night can go fajar slack again, hah :D

I am so not going to regret, You are.

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