Wednesday, July 1, 2009

i dont want to look into your eyes again cos i am still not ready to face the truth.

at that very moment,
when i think about you.

Hai, will be seeing misskang first everyday for like 30mins,
means chemistry everyday. (!!!)
& tmr no assembly, but will be seeing her again..
after sch still need go take chemistry test frm her.
life seriously sucks at times :(


SS, miss quek is cute.
EL, boring uh, dk why 1 class need 3 tchers, l-o-l lah.
RECESS, was uber fun today, weee.
POA, flunking the test.
MATHS, finally understand a lil.
GEOG, copying notes thn done, lolololol, ms durga improve liao so i nvr slp in her class.

After school,

Me, janis, ahma & wen pei sister meetup,
thn we all buy food & went to ahma (manda) hse.
eating while watching the movie ''Slither'', its like effing disgusting ok.
:/ super grosssss.

after that,

played with ahma's straightener again, LOL
fun lah, love laughing at janis's fringe whn kena straightened :X
jocee's hair is effing nice, same to the rest, coooolllll.
after playing talked and slack awhile jiu go home le, cos i have to be back by 7.

homed with sister wen janis (:

where have you been?


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