Monday, June 8, 2009

No more words, no more lies.

Hello :)
yesterday went for english shit tuition lame bodoh.
think dont wanna go alrdy. zzz.
didnt play badminton ytd due to parents dnt want pei me play. :|

today maybe going out ltr to find sister, maybe watching movie.
thn tell jer, hope can meet up with her.

change of plans..
going to ECP with family later on, :D
will be going to find sister tomorow..

k bye.


Finding time when everybodys free to ktv soon.

& I love the enthu-ness of ppl in my tagboard, ahaha :D

Jerlene call me some night uh, i lost track of your life alrdy..

Sister too..

its been ages since you called.


feels like everything's drifting further..
how much longer can i go on like this



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