Tuesday, June 9, 2009



Omg, see my heartshape up there?
so big right? nice right me.

Today was a very great day. *smiles*
especially being spent with sisters like them,
Jerlene, Jocee, Lynn, Ruth.

although yesterday was a very bad one indeed,
hai, what can i do lahs. ):

i wanna thank Jerlene yong.
for hearing me out & telling me stuffs, felt much better.
rly happy to meet you today, no regrets.
laughs* had fun talking abt retarded things lahh.

It been like ages since i saw them okay, esp lynn loh.
hahah, that angmoh uh, si ai mian zi one,
dont know when thn will put tagboard lah that girl. :D

Sister/Jocee, i hadnt seen her in ages also laaaaah.
somemore recently also didnt talk much except sms,
talked alot and laughed alot tgt as usual lah.
that girl, cnt stand her :D

Ruth! that shorty, love suan-ing jocee with her lah, so fun.
but i hate getting suan :/
hahaha, this shorty rock :D

Love them all.
& love spending time with them at macdonalds today.
it was super :) looking forward to another time tgt.

thats all..

i wanna wash my mind..
& my heart too.



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