Friday, June 26, 2009


I tried not to see.. that maybe we're not meant to be.

I love janis's hse especially for MJ and cards! weeeeeeeeee.
met wen and ahma at bangkit,
headed to janis hse for CLAP,
strting watch mo fan bang bang tang,
heh, thn keep watch show as usual.
till we have to hav to film CLAP alrdy.
cos we keep say, "eh dont watch liao lets go do CLAP"
thn one minute ltr we continue watching & this keep going on, hahah.

ate janis's auntie/maid cook de,
veh nice, thanks v.much! :D

after that went in to janis's room film ahma's part.
thn me & wen's part we do it in future cos we buaytahan liao,
so went out and played MJ!! 8P
thn after MJ, played pokercards!! 8D
ahma got pwned! yaynesssss~ hehhh kidddinggggg

after that jiu arnd 6 plus liao,
so they all homed, janis prepare for her physics tuition le.
i stood there waiting for jocee.
she came and we went cck, she go off to her cousin's hse,
while i homed.


R.I.P , Michael Jackson "King of Pop"
God bless.


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