Thursday, June 11, 2009

My faith is shaking..

Empty & numb.

YO! (hehs)
woke up in a very bad mood today so totally attituded laoma,
sorry mum. :/

okay i'll fast forward.
~ skip unhappy parts ~

chemistry's over!
stupid chemmmmmmmm.
headed home to put stuffs thn went to meet jocee/janis/wen/ahma again.
heh they waited for me at bangkit lrt, hohoh. (8
headed to buy food at bangkit,
thn off to janis hse! hehehs
went there eat first, thn watch show slack & mj-ed awhile teach wen & ahma.

edison chen fcking shuai ok. :D
me & wen goes crazy whn we see him on the screen.

aiyah, it was fun as usual, where to start?
silence will always be filled endless laughters with these people arnd mans :D

went home from janis's there,
all homed at arnd 5 plus,came out to meet again after bathing & eating at 6, LOL!
we aint slackers cos we came to meet again cos of TUITION~
hahah, tcher called & said will be veh late le,
arn 7 plus but we still met at 6. thn slack at bangkit (8

7.35pm like that tcher come so we came in,
do POA thn janis and wen left.. thn did MATHS with sister.

left there with jocee at 10.35pm.
mum came with grandma & bro to send me bk home,
sent sister home too (:

thn back home here , holland.
going to sch again for chem tomolo, gawd..


Scroll for photos taken recently,

Coming soon.. guess whos that.
@ west mall cinema

two crazy bimbos posing hahhs X:


lil cousin alphonsus @ sakae sushi

I LOVE HER! cutest lil cousin ever. :D


unedited okay.
my photography skills(8 LOL.
@ eastcoast park.

kay thats all..
bye (:

A little too late for explanations,
a little too late for conversations..


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