Monday, June 22, 2009

I never knew love like this.

The way i loved you.

finally update, nothing much to update though.
yesterday -
badminton w jerlene | bath | went out meetup with sister | west mall | tuition | night | home!

heh, sleep so late still managed to wake up at 8 (due to jer's call)
played awhile badminton jiu keep chatting and sorta slacking liao, hahah.
after that send her to the middle of the road thn walked home. LOL XD

home, bath, comped.
headed out to find jocee sister.
all the way was with her from 4 plus to 1o plus at night.
went to west mall and the waffle sucks so threw it away.
milo ice blended is freaking ex from sweet talk.
i wasnt rly pissed off anyway. 8P


tuition outside there got excercise thingy lah,
thn infront got something like senior citizen slack place lo,
thn got one ahma swinging the thing till damn high,
the one that excercises your leg one.
me and jocee was laughing our asses off.

whn tuition the teachers/ppl all come put cane/used tissues on me & jocee's table.
like wth -.-
& jocee keep say the guy very gay very gay. LOL stupid ass.

after getting out of bukit batok there,
saw a whole grp of senior citizens sitting there,
i wonder why they always stone :/


cabbed back to bangkit with tutor & sister.
tutor pay one, hohoh.
thn went bangkit with sister for my nice waffle.
sister bought pink dolphin only.
thn went back for tuition (again)

tcher say smth that made us laugh damn long, and sister laugh damn loud la.
hokkien - buay sai (cannot)
tcher say : bo sai (no shit)
haha, retarded lahs.

after tuition somebody came to send sister home *coughs*
yeah, haha.. :X

today at night got tuition *yawn*
but yaye too, got sister/janis/wen :D

my blog's so dry.
ltr got tuition, be sure to take a few photos with wen,janis,jocee. (8

yaye, nth to say liaooo.

end with a hot guy.
so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.



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