Friday, June 5, 2009

Piece everything back together again,

Hello, i didnt go for leadership camp..
due to my dad's bday tomolow so dad mre impt right!
guess lynn/andrea(?) they all are having fun now right girl?
hahahs (:

went for chinese in the morning with jocee, janis & ahma.
jerlene was with us too, but she was behind doing her work.
long time since i saw them, had fun lahhs.
stupid zou nvr come, so li lao shi came instead.
do a lil, hahaha i dont bother & veh lil ppl came.
all pei jer have lunch at fajar while janis homed for bof, haha.
thn after that met my grandma,
& we all homed.

reached holland, felt like playing badminton again,
so headed downstair with bro, parents and cousins to play again,
till 4 plus, went home bath, eat crab for dinner, cut myself -.-
thn headed for POA and E maths tuition.
had tons fun with them (jocee,janis,wen)
talked abt many damn funny things that happened before,
& laughed like crazy till tcher keep say. d:

after that chatted/slacked at bus stop afer tuition,
continued the topic & keep on laughing.
thn bus came, janis and jocee homed,
i walked to market with wen, we were like : chiong ah? chiong ah?
thn both chiong cross the road, hahas.
thn wen homed, father fetched me home.(:


went for 3D movie monsters vs aliens with family at lido.
the movie werent veh nice luh,
but some parts were effing funny. ahaha.
the blue slime's super cuteeee!

heeee, its super cute and dumb lah.
totally brainless but its cute!


ate, & homed after that, thn came home & went to play badminton again,
regardless of the stupid cut & muscle aches. hahhhs.
came back, bathed and watch show,
now here posting :D

thats all..

i'm tired, really, very.


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