Monday, June 1, 2009

Catch me when i fall..

Helloooo, today
didnt go for science center thingy today,
partly cos i cant wake up in time & im at holland,
partly cos i dont really wanna go.
just dont feel like studying chem :/
mayb going out later for badminton with bro/family/cousin.

okay anyway,
yesterday was with sister and her mum in the morning arnd 7.30am for her operation.
check here and there till 8.30am and she went in,
11.30am lydat she came out, still sleeping due to somekind of medication.
it was a success lah. like duhhh :D
went to meet jerlene and ruth down there,
thn came up, jocee jiu wake up lerh.
thn we all talked and stuffs but she cnt talk too much cos ltr the stitches cnt heal.
so whenever she talk & let her mum hear,
her mum will keep on say her. hahas.

cabbed back to her hse after settling everything,
but she was still in some pain when we go back.
met up with some ppl who came to see jocee :D
after that watched a supposed-to-be-shark movie w jocee jer ruth,
but no sharks at all, LOL.
kept on falling asleep halfway. :/

we went back at like 5 ++ cos jocee have to rest,
so yup, we all homed.
i went to meet up with my family thn go shop at shengsiong,
bought alot of stuffs cos dad say wanna get re-stock for june holis.
hahah, retarded.
thn went to eat dinnernearby.

thats all byebye!



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