Tuesday, November 4, 2008

那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得

I WANT IT! o.o

Umms, i havent do braces yet larh :D
yep, gonna pluck out 4 teeth! *ouch*
haven pluck yet, but soon in november pluck, hopefully asap.
hope can do it by december, before next yr bahs.
I got in 3E3.
thank god ^^
same class as a few peeps in class :D

congrats people for getting into the classes they want and all that.
all the best for all! (:



Ruth tell me do deh,
now i do alrdy okay! aha.

1. The person who tagged you is: That idiot RUTH(:
2. Your relationship with him/her: sisters (:
3. Your five impressions of him/her: idiot, baichi, asshole, retarded, short :D
4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you: hmm?
5. If he/she becomes your lover: No, -.-
6. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you: go and die :X
7. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she have to improve on: Imposible :D
8. If she becomes your enemy: wont (:
9. what is it you wanna tell him/her: aiai loves, hope you grow taller (:
10. Overall impression: crazy :D
11. How do you think the people around felt about you: Pure, normal & quiet :D
12. The character you like about yourself: pure LOL.

Pass this quiz to 10 ppl:
lazy to pass :D


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