Friday, October 31, 2008

i want my dream so bad im gonna scream

i find this photo nicenicenice!


Love him, he's so cute! XD

was really bored,
then came across wen's blog,
ask me do :O

1. Do you have secrets?
Have, i think. im nt sure myself. lol. O:

2.Would you fall in love with a guy younger than you?
Lol, maybe, bt dont think so.

3.Do you enjoy going to school?
At times.

4. What would you do if you have a billion dollars?
have liao then say bah.

5.Would you fall in love with your best friend?
no, cos they're all girls.

6.Which is more blessed,loving someone or being loved by someone?
both, i think.

7.List out your favourite songs
shuo hao de xin fu nerh
gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian
lu tai wan
next plane home
now or never

8.If a person u secretly like is attached, what would do?
give up?

9. Is there anything that makes you happy?

10. What makes you angry?
doing smth i dont like?

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
someone useless to the society.

12. Who are currently your most important people in your life?
family, sisters, friends and all.

13. What are the the most important things in your life?
handphone for sure, tv , computer.

14. What is your favorite colour?

15. Would you rather be single but rich or married but poor?
not sure.

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
depends if i rly love that person?

17. If you fall in love with 2 guys, which would you pick?
yuck im not that kind -.-

18.Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing a person has done?
might, but dont think so.

19.What would you want to tell the person you like?
Hi, bye :D (crap)

20. What type of person would you fall in love with?
loves me, understands me, cares and nice to me bah.

10 people you want them to do this quiz:
anyone will do.


waiting till 11.30 then watch show.
not slping early tonight, woolala.
tomorow braces thingy~
:).. but abit scary bah.




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