Saturday, October 25, 2008

start of something new

what else can i do,

didnt update for 2days niah.

(2401008) ytd's ytd:
went back to school just to celebrate ms tan bday with her,
bet she's damn touched lor.
haha. she rocks lor.
& HSM3 just came out,
so went to watch it with vicky,andrea,janis.
yup, cos we had nth to do anws. haha.
thn homed at 6 i think.
HSM3 rocks many :DD

(251008) ytd:
jer called me in the morning,
as she went swimming at buona vista,
thn jer came to meet me at holland thr,
pei-ed her eat breakfast,
then she came over to my hse,
wait for me bath hao,
then headed to bangkit, her hse.

then went to plaza, meetup with jocee.
then after awhile jer went to meet jolene,
me and jocee headed to jocee hse.
watch tv, fooled around, talk, play, laugh.
had fun there lah idiot :D
then left at about 7 plus.

thats all bahs,

cos' there aint anything to do anymore.


I'll miss school, 2e2 like crazy.
i dont wanna leave the best class ever.
thinking abt separating nxt year, alemak.
people will all be splitted into different classes. ):

clique will also be in different class.
and yeah, i'm gonna miss them like crazy..
Jocelyne, Vicky, Jerlene, Andrea, Weekang, Rosalind, Jiaxuan, Ruth.
aww man, might be going out with them,
but maybe not weekang, and dk how long then can see weekang lor.

classmates, everything, everyone,
teachers, whatever, ):

byebye 2e2/):



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