Monday, October 20, 2008

i've got on the ride of love & now i cant get off.

this ride of love

today was okay bahs.
went to southern ridge yeap.
been there before with family alrdy. haha.
was kinda okay but kinda boring also bah.
after school slacked with andrea awhile,
then homed.
i knw the first 2 layers of rubiks cube + 1/2 of the 3rd layer alrdy.
hahahahahahaah, thanks andrea hohoho assshole :D

after that,
homed slack slack slack,
used comp awhile, then went to meet jocee mpm sister.
did e-streaming at the library and got things printed out.
thanks lah sister :D
i want a white psp laaa, alamak.
jocee wan a DS, :O
she want endless stuff mans, haha :x

then walked to her house dwn there,
slacked, talked, make her 'angry' (i knw she nt angry de lo. :X)
then she gei gei go walk away then i just sit thr,
cos i knw she'll come bk de. wahaha.
i am the pro. :x
okay, yup, she pei-ed me till parents come & fetch.
thanks sister, loves.

thats all.

cheerup people. there's always ups and downs in life.

Happy birthday Andrew daddy :D



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