Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why are we always pretending.

You dont understand all that i do

today, woke up at 6.30am by jocee mpm,
then went back to sleep.
woke up again by jer sweetheart at 8.30am.
then after that mum fetched me to market,
then off to go meet jer at 10.15am at swimming pool.
then headed home.

after that went jer house,
waiting for jocee come, come le.
then slacked awhile.
then headed to jocee house,
waited for her change clothes.
then off to lot 1.
slacked, talked, fooled around.

focus on hu ge on the picture pls.
he rocks ok.

decided to watch ''Butterfly Lovers'' with jocee sister.
we were like laughing during the sad scenes.
hahaha, super retard at parts.
and OMG I LOVE HU GE ok.
although he acts as a bad guy in the show.
he's the cutest (:
sorry, im not like jocee : interested in wu zun de. /:
jer went to meet jolene whn me and joce went to catch the movie.

homed at around 7 plus.



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