Friday, May 22, 2009

Pictures \m/

You and your warm embrace,
is what keeps me holding on.

Today school was stupid... :X
didnt want to go to school in the beginning, but mum forced, you know.
so yah, went ahead, kinda boring but its slacky loh.
goh wei beng is so nice today!
love him for today, brought us to comp lab, wooh.
played bejewled there after waiting ages for it to load due to stupid school comp
blah! :)

Goh took our class for 2hours and a half,
and he claims that he's super unlucky cos need face us so long. haha. (8

And shannon yap is sooooooooo childish la.
but really effing to see her behaving like a kid, playing hide & seek.
hahaha. buaytahan her.
details : JOCEE's blog! ahaaaaa.
Sister went off at 12.10pm..
have fun tonight. hahs! (8

After school, went out of sch with jer, janis & wk.
wk went home to change thn meeting us at jer hse,
while stupid janis went home..
but nvm, with sebas! haha.
jer and wk go jer hse, i went bk to my hse change,
thn went out to meet jer & wk again, slacked at her hse and tied my hair..
out we go, LOT ONEEEE~!

Jer is being a retard sitting on the floor of the shopping mall.

Went there cos pei jer buy some presets so yah,
walked arnd, had fun with peeeeeps :D
thn vicky called and asked me where am i,
so told her, she came to find us with andrea, wooh.
as usual, crap play laugh suan (8
Thn the vicky they all met up with nazurah and co.
thn they went to buy changjie & yongjie's bday presents.
tagged along.

After everyone split liao,
me, jer and wk took lrt, me and jer alighted at bangkit,
wk went home at fajar :)
i went to buy bubbletea and donut while jer went home.
thn she came out and find me again,
we went to print photos, heee.
Luvvv sisters, .

After everything,
got a surprise from JERLENE my that idiotic sweetheart,
rly pissed off at first, but everythings okay.
thanks & love yah sweetheart. :D
(i put the colour combination cos you say it suits cos its all baby colour)
Good memory eh? Calling you later,if you stop watching the show, LOL.

Thanks yh for sending me home,
had lot of fun with you today though it wasnt very long.
:) wahas.

Had tons of fun today,
thanks to all of you. Esp Jerlene, ok mah xiao jie?

a pictures = a thousand words.

LOL. You gotta be able to recognise me and jocee sister's handwriting or not you wouldnt know who wrote what. hahaha.


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