Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When you need someone to set your heart free.

Sisterly Loves.
I love jocee ok.
& I know she love yvette too :D


so far i passed all my subjs.
omg i rock for once :)
nvm, after tomorow i will not pass all subjs le.
history cfm fail de, hah.. like i care :O
whatever, hehe, i improved in all subjs, yay!
life's getting better.

after school went plaza with mpm sister, muogu, asshole, honey.
ate lunch, thn mpm bought her hoodie.
then headed to honey's house with mpm while the rest headed home.
slacked there, listened songs, bloghopping with them.
i love them man.
the bimbos with brains :D

after leaving honey's house,
slacked at senja stion with mpm,
homed before 7, around 6.45?
yup, thats all.



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