Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Goodbye, its the last time

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Dont place hopes on me.

Today was rather fine i guess.
After school..
Accompanied jocee to comp lab do her dance thing, me and janis got chased out.
Played monopoly deal with janis in the canteen.
Jocee came to join us.
Wen and ahma came to join us.
Andrea came to join us.
Went to foyer to play cos canteen closing.
Vicky joined us.

Called Yijing to find her cos i saw fajar band people in school, thn went to find her and escort her to bangkit lrt and went back to school. I missed her alot. :) Gonna catch up with xinli and xiuhong soon, dearest people who were with me for many years. The laughter, the fun and everything will never be forgotten. (L)

Vicky and andrea homed.
Went to bangkit court to continue our monopoly deal.
Jocee took cab home.
Played with wen, janis and ahma. Janis won that round :)
Homed soon after that, funny lah that wen.

Okay, now here posting.
Goodbye dears.
Love ya dearest sister JYYH

Stupid shitty post bcos i'm kinda worn out.

Cant find the truth, Cant speak my mind.
I try to put on a face, and cover my heart, but i'm needing it now.. so bad.
Inside everything's turning upside down, spinning round and round..


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