Saturday, August 29, 2009

Everything that matters breaks in two


Glass &Plastic.

wen &me.

Went to woodlands, met wen annabel ahma & wansia there,
and headed to causeway walkwalk while waiting for jiaxuan & weihui.
thn bought bubbletea and headed to jerlene's church.
ruth came later.

was msging sister :)

Me and wen is the Emo Invisible 2 ren zhu.
She's glass and i'm plastic.
wansia joined us later and she is metal/water.
We are everywhere.
We're thinking about i wish there's concert now,
thn we can just slip inside and watch.
& movies we just go inside and watch free show without being noticed.
It was effing fun fooling arnd with wen.
We sit there emo, staring at the metal fence,
thn wen say we watching fencing.
Wen keep shouting loud : JIAYOU!
Dumb ass, of course my ____will win her _____ lah.
Thn annabel give us popcorns(rollercoaster) thn we eat and watch.
Ahma came and talk to us. Noticed.

still more to say but enough of our crap. HAHA.

After everything,
me wen and ahma went to causeway, slack and buy waffles to eat first.
thn play catching with ahma but failed,
thn 3 of us go pasar malam walk a few rounds there & sweat thn homed :D



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wen and me

Thats all for today!

Not forgetting my sister..
Here's a pic of her if you had missed her face on my blog :D


I'll only be seeing her on monday.. I hope she's going to miss me..I dont think so cos she'll be too busy to, right sister?She's my bestest but the most petty person you can ever find. Emotionally weak/unstable & overreactive yet hyper active & ridiculously retarded at times. Weirdo :D But i still love sister, although we get mad at each other at the stupidest thing ever and quarrel over the dumbest thing. Whatever happens we manage to pull through (so far..KIDDING!). So yeah, i know i rock lah sister, but dont touched to tears when you see this ok? :D



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