Friday, September 4, 2009


1) I screwed my english oral,too nervous to talk and think of anything.
2) Screwed up and mood ruined during PTM.

Sorry, I'm afraid i'll spam my own blog like mad again with all the things i'm upset with.. Thanks la, not even one compliment from you, all of them are complains. Cant you at least give me some encouragement that i improve, at least a teeny weeny encouragement? Instead you said that this time exams are all freaking easy thats why i improve, and that actually i am still not up to standard, wow. You say that my attitude, behaviour to you not good, never give respect. Ask yourself you got respect me anot now? Respect me before i respect you, i do respect you Before okay. Dont even give me any face? Scold me infront of my mother? Dont blame me for not giving you also, what for complain to my mother in front of my face? At least my mother still stand on my side even though she did scold me after the PTM. I have feelings one okay, trying to attack and comment about me and others attitude? HA, have you thought about your own? Disrespectful.. have you ever seen me being so defiant to anyone before? My mother say whatever it is, you are an adult and my teacher, i shud at least leave a respect for ppl that are older than me. I did leh, i did your homeworks, i want to prove to you that i am trying. what did i get in return? these kind of comments. You even dare to say that you told ALL my tchers that my Mid-Year results are VERY lousy and told them to all take note of me. Now i know why i got shoot and aimed by all different teachers, all looking down on me. Have you ever thought about my feelings? I am a Slow learner, a very slow one. I might not be as fast and clever as you, why cant you just explain nicely to me instead of scolding me? Does it make you feel so happy after complaining and seeing me sad/hurt/angry/pissed? Hoping for just a lil bit for encouragement seems to be so hard to get from you. Fine, i dont need them anymore.
Cos no matter how much i try, You'll never be satisfied.
Stop bullshitting.



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