Friday, November 28, 2008

When it turns cold.

as usual, aaron's the best :).
i love my blogsong.
btw eeyore's like super friggin cute luh.
dunnoe how to appreciate de, that stupid jerlene yong.
pooh like piece of shit compared to eeyore. lol.
no offence except to jer :x

plucked out 2 teeth ytd.
wasnt pain when plucking cos the shuai dentist numbed my mouth.
then whn the numbness gone ler,
jiu strting to pain, then keep bleeding, keep keep bleeding.
i cant eat stuff that are hot, only cold.
pathetic right.
but i prefer cold stuff though :)
just drank milk,
eat is eat hot stuffs that are alrdy cooled uh, yep.
not dying yet, still 2 more teeths to go.
nothing to do now.
im bored.

maybe going find jocee ltr.


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