Friday, November 28, 2008

I've grown older :(

oh god, so cute, right?

Another day passes, haha.
thanks alot guys that wished me happy birthday on 12 midnight
and those who wished me today,
Joel called me and ask me the date, haha thanks la erzi :D

Happy birthday hedy, all the best :D

anyway if you're a clever person you wouldnt want to read,
cos its veh long, and full of crap.
reminder eryi.
& its a colourful post. lol.
continue :D

Talked to andrea last night till like 1 plus,
hahas, she's the greatest asshole la. :)
morning 6.30am woken up by her.
went to prepare,
btw im like the pure-est of all lah (as usual) if anyone havent noticed :)

met andrea and she was late for 6 mins, idiot..
hahas, thanks for the card lah, so nice can,
didnt know you can draw a cat so well lah omg :)

reached the bus stop,
aga aga see der, but got it right.
then walked, though its the first time walking,
cos that time go the bus stop then dunno how to go then take cab,
waste money, we just keep on walking nor,
like toking on the way, so not bored at all. :)

rent bikes,
cycled till like ending there.
hahas, thn decided to rest there, fresh air.
then jocee and jer called, so conference awhile bahs.
then jocee hang, was riding my bike while toking to jer.
almost fell, scare myself.
i've got a phobia now.
(if you guys know how i fell down the other time.)
and got a freaking 10cm long scar on my leg now.
& you must see sister's (jocee) reaction when she saw it today!
LOOOL. im used to it, so it isnt that pain anymore.

and oh yah,
after cycling, cycled back to return bike,
off for bf+lunch.
andrea wanted to have carls jr,
but freaking cannot find it.
haha, anyway my teeth got the thing tie cnt bite the burger.
went to subway instead, and suffered,
stupid teeth.
then off for ice cream, andrea's treat :)
thanks lah asssssshole!

then walk back to where we came from,
stop in the middle of nowhere,
somewhere called 'marine crescent',
the wall there, andrea drink tea there, LOL
then i kop abit drink to digest stuff (she say one)
then l-m-a-o with her there,
had alot of fun there lah.
we were playing with the pigeons..
actually andrea use tea pour over them to scare them away.
that mean ass :D
unlike mememememememememe!
i only called a bird that keeps chirping to shutup :D
im just trying to make myself laugh only wad.
then waited for bus,bus stop got somekind of leaf insect,
that suddenly fly and scared the hell outta me.
i run like dunnoe what and andrea sat there and laugh.

went bangkit home find mother and some other stuff.
wow long name.
to meet andrea to wait for Jocee.
saw lynn too, long time nvr see all of them lerh :)
except of andrea, haha.
vicky ruth and rosa worst..
& weeeeekang!
dunnoe how many 1234523421678 years haven see them liao.
exaggerating again -.-
ignore me.

btw watched the movie recommended by jerlene yongggg.
' the city of ember '
was boring at the starting, got some stylo parts lah :)
jerlene TOK TOK TOK so much during the show,
of cos i TOK with her lah :)
then kena scld by jocee,
jocee : oi ur veh noisy leh, either you add me in the conversation or shut up.
me : *laugh* (-.-)

jocee kept on bully me lor, she damn fierce de,
i do anything also tio scold by her today.
she sleep liao le, pig, so i can write abt her,
anw she dont read posts unless got pics one, so im saved.
but she did something that made me laugh until i cry like dunno wad.
love her though. omg, told yah sister, im too good le :)

appreciate it man!

after movie slacked around, haha.
then off to kiddie palace, woooooohooooo.
fool around and saying stuffs with andrea, oops.
hehe. playing only lah dont take it to heart ok. :)
anw, eeyore's NOT UGLY LOR! (to jerlene yongyongyong)
eeyore is like so much cuter than POOOH! = POOP!:)
eh, not insulting pooh okay..
just to jerlene only :)
btw the poop not dabian, dabian got standard one.
say my eeyore, make me unglam in public chase her around. aiyo.

and jocee did the thing that make me laugh until i cry while running,
cos shes chasing after me :x she ownself also laugh lor.
btw im seriously laughing when im typing this, LOL.
anyway,she says she coming over my house for her bruises luh.
idk what she doing, alot of bruises.
see liao oso can feel pain lor, everywhere leh omg.
she's coming over for rubbing bruise session by yvette the great,
1 bruise $5 bucks,
so total should be like $100 or so.
ok? :)
that time at her house give her the trial liao, it works wonders! :D
of cos.


after that 6 plus like that they homed,
i waited for parents fetch me to eat lobsters and stuff.
my fav lobsters. :D
also cos tmr going pluck teeth, wish me luck, ty :)
after that everyday eat porridge i will puke.
cos i cant bite ma, pain you know.

thats all i guess, omg what a long post.
i ownself read can alr :D

(i realised its 12.04am alrdy)

oh happy day :O
i miss xiuhong, yijing and xinli!



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