Thursday, November 20, 2008

Giving up on love.

i have to rub it off
& give it up
dont wanna try,
dont wanna try,
dont wanna try no more.
no matter what i do,
no matter what i say,
its like there's no getting through to you,
like you dont appreciate all that i do.
i try to save it many times but still you couldnt see.
i kept resisting, and resisting,
its all bcos so that we'll nvr fall again.
{alot of song lyrics mixed tgther}

going shopping with my mum alrdy.
so tired, bt hope can buy load load of stuff.

i freaking wanna fly over to bangkok to talk to andrea now,
hope can see her tomorow :)


Happy birthday yanyalun aaron, ily. (lol)
super love you.

random stuff, now..
end with a song,

its fantasies and reality,
baby which one are we living in.

Joel erzi wan me do de quiz ._.
joel ask me do this kind of quiz, crazy.

[1] What kind of Boyfriend/Girlfriend do you like?
[2] How do you celebrate your 1st Month?
[3] Do you feel safe with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
[4] When you see your stead injured or sick, would you be there even if you're busy?
lol, talk crap, of cos lah.
[5] When it's your 12 month & your stead is having another relationship, what would you do?
[6] What if you know your ex is still loving you albeit he/she is single while you're attached?
lol, idk.
[7] Are you single, having a relationship, or having a crush on someone?
single :)
[8] List out 3 love/sad songs.
idk lah, alot until i nvr count and lazy name out.
[9] What would you do if you and your stead quarrels?
[10] Do you wish to know that someone is crushing on me?
[11] What if you're single and someone got a crush on you?
[12] How do you feel when you fall in love with someone?
[13] How many times did your heart broke by somebody?
nvr count ba.
[14] If you and your stead quarrelled, who'd be the one apologizing?
[15] What would you do if your stead wants to break up?
agree la, talk crap, haha.
[16] Did any of your stead gave you a present you liked the most?
[17] When did you last cry for someone whom you love?
[18] How many times did you break your promise to your stead?
[19] Do you wish that your relationship will last long?
no have :)
[20] Did your stead kiss you in public?
Pass this to your friends to know how their relationship is going on.
Send them by MSN - ask them copy & paste - or tag them through their blog.
Remember to put down 11 names for your relationship to last long.
no relationship nw how to last long, idiot. :)


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