Monday, November 17, 2008


currently listening to:


8.34PM now

guess what,
andrea's at the airport now.
and shes going bangkok for like 4 pathetically long days la, omfg. ):
vicky and janis shld be reaching cambodia now, 10 days! even worst ):
aww mans.

anw, andrea sent me a msg when shes at the airport and made me laugh my ass off.
Andrea : '' Yvette i wanna cry ... I scared the plane stink ''
LOL. shes full of crap :) now still smsing her, haha.
gonna miss her like crazy, how am i gonna survive CCA manz.
without vicky and andrea, ):


btw i love who i am now.
i aint someone who will get angry so easily alrdy.
i've learnt not to care toooo much or even care.
hehs :}

thats all, bye.
the way i are
somethings just doesnt seem to matter anymore



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