Saturday, October 4, 2008

Quiz from vicky.

Fading away..

changed skin (:
Do this quiz from vicky, hmm.
I hate the twitting lor, so ewww so i go change.

1.Th person who tag you is:
Vicky the mushroom idiot.

2.Ur relationship with him/her is.
She's a mushroom. I'm a cat?

3.Ur 5 impressions of him/her.
-Bully (jiaxuan and ruth)
-Talk crap!

4.Th most memorable thing he/she had done for you.
Let a cat into her house (me)

5.Th most memorable thing he/he had said to you.
Nothing but her laughter.

6.If he/she bcome ur lover,you will...
Obviously not. We aint lesbos.

7.If he/she bcome ur lover,th thing he/she has to improve on will be...

8.If he/she becomes ur enemy,you will...
wont one la, talk crap.

9.If he/she becomes ur enemy, th reason will be..
too noisy, haha.

10.Th most desired thing you wan to do for4 him/her now is:
tiak her face.

11.Ur overall impression of him/her is.
Total retard can.

12.Hw you think people around you will feel about you.
How i knw.

13.Th Characters you love about yourself are.
I am me loh, what you want.

14.On th Contrary,th characters you hate urself are.
stone-ing. (not really hate though)

15. Th most ideal person you want to be is.
myself lah arbo.

16.For ppl tat care and like you, say something to them.
Thanks for everything?(:

17. Pass this on to 10 people.
1. Jocee,
2. Jer,
3. Andrea,
4. Rosalind,
5. Ruth,
6. Janis,
7. Sujing,
8. Jiaxuan,
9. Amanda,
10. Junjie

18.Hu is no.6 (Janis) having relationship with?
Lols. ME. hahaha, obviously not. (:

19.Is no.9 (Amanda) a male or female?

20.If no.7 (Sujing) and no.10 (Junjie) r 2gether,will it b a gd tinq?
LOL? Obviously wont de, sujing's mine.

22.Wat is no.2 (Jerlene) studying bout?
How to become yvette's maid for life.

23.When was th last time ue had a talk wif no.3 (Andrea)?
Yesterday, walau never call me today.

24.Wat kind of music band does no.8 (Jiaxuan) like?
Dabian music?

25.Does no.1 (Jocee) have any siblings?
Yeah, older brother.

26.Will you woo no.3 (Andrea)?
Obviously not, hello we're girls. -.-

27.Hw bout no.7 (Sujing)?
I want lah!
She's super duper cute.
but obviously im not lesbo -.-

28.Is no.4 (Rosalind) single?

29.Wat is the surname of no.5 (Ruth)?

30.Wats th hobby of no.10 (Junjie)?
edit pic? slack?

31.Does no.5 (Ruth) and no.9 (Amanda) get along well?
How i know? shld be bah.

32.Whr is no.2 (Jerlene) studying at?
Greenridge la.

33.Tok sumtinq casually bout no.1 (Jocee)
Crazy girl, total retard, sensitive, emotional.

34.Hav you tried developing feelings for no.8 (Jiaxuan)?

38.Does no.1 hav any pets?
No -.-

39.Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
Maybe? hahas shes cute can.

thats all!

I used to be tripping over missing you,
but im not anymore.



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