Wednesday, September 10, 2008

still hiding, forever hiding

Hello fellow idiots.

didnt update for a day only.
practical exam today, haven started on coursework.
yawns. after school stayed back to do maths with mpm and laodi,
then rachel came and helped with with my maths. peacee.
then waited for sweetheart and dabian with amanda.
went to buy bubbletea, we were fooling around, talking laughing.
never laughed so real for ages.
after that troubles were still there,
bt at least they were gone for like 30mins.
homed at 7+pm.

btw stupid vicky keep going around asking ppl to slash,
somethings wrong with her, haha.


Pictures, lil bit, but at least got put ma.

Romeo and juliet, what we watched during lit.

band people o.O



thats all,
life sucks.


life's boring.
there aint a reason to live at all.
cos there were once i lived for something
but now that its gone
im fading away with the memories



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