Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I find this retarded and cute at the same time LOL

at VICKY's house now :D

( andrea must be so jealous LOL)

just now met andrea at jurong east about 1220.
then went to walk around, ate lunch (cheesecake!)
cos i forgot to bring my bloody wallet so, no money, only ez link :X
then walk talk lalala.
then vicky call me say want come meet us.
then come le then she ate mac.
after that talk walk about again,
then andrea go CHINESE tuition at jurong east le.
me and vicky walked to IMM cos she's DESPERATE for school bag.
hahahahahaha. and money too at first.
whn she no money then keep blaming me never bring my wallet, idiot
but now she sibei lucky lor, now keep haolian buy 2 bags!
cos after IMM we go westmall buy the other one.
idiot vicky, buy 2 bags in a day ~
!@#$%^&*)@#$%^&* :D

she now playing piano. not bad (:
thats all le lah,
yay i love vicky's house.

vicky want a part for her.
AGAIN. okay lah see her small short. =D
here goes.

of course i good in piano lahs! :X
& i not hao lian lahs, yvette just jealous. :D
i love myself.
i love myself.
i love myself.
yay yay, andrea and yvette maybe stay over at my house.
i love holidays.
alright, readers of the senior cleaner's blog,
stay tuned to my blog for my update soon ok? (:
i'm happy.
i'm happy.
i'm happy. :DDD


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