Wednesday, September 3, 2008

thanks guys for the tags :D
you guys are deeply appreciated,

hmm, today was tiring at first.
then went to sch with earpiece on, was feeling really down.
reach there, met jocee and jer.
didnt notice my eyes till they told me.
nvm only they know.
thanks guys for making me smile today (:
then ruth came, off to class.

sat beside ms tan, strted doing maths.
do do do do for 2 hours only do till question 5.
i totally suck in maths luh.
thanks JOCEE for teaching me the last few questions.
( she say i owe her one, idiot right )
thanks JER for teaching me some stuff haha.
and listening songs with me :O

after that i walked around with my earpiece for an hour -.-
then headed home take wallet (:
then off to jerlene yong sweetheart's house.
goodbye sadness.
played, suan here and there.
sorry luh chou sister, cannot hate me okay.
sister say my bad point is keep things to myself.
(lol, she told me 1 so got 1 only ah? :X) jk.

they were playing. on the bed.. :O :O :O
i was under the bed sleeping but they sibei noisy LOL.
Jerlene kept on hit jocee butt.
Jocee scream like some retarded ahhole. lol.
then jocee go pinch her butt, jer drop dwn on top of me.
pain man, she like ghost like that cos let down hair, damn scary.
hahah. retarded sweetheart.
while the humji jocee yap hide here and thr.
lie down thr hug pooh bear niah.

then they all throw all the pooh bears at me,
jerlene got ALOT of pooh lah omg.
hahahaha, pooh attack.
jerlene go smell pooh's butt while jocee hug pooh butt.
eeee biantai people lol. :X

after that homed with sister.
thants all, had fun.
thanks guys.

didnt go vicky house today. next time bah (:



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