Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Scream it out.

I cant take it no more.
Sorry for scaring you guys who were on phone with me.
Didnt mean it to happen, they just cant stop flowing.
Cant you give me your support?
Instead of looking down at me like im some idiot?
when im doing e-streaming, i really dnt know what else i can do.
im really too tired, and mum kept on stressing that i suck in maths.
i walk away, she pulled me back to finish it.
why cant you believe that i will try?
im will try one, believe me okay?
thanks dad for believing me and giving me comforts,
i love you.

for hours, it just cant stop flowing
nobody understands

Andrea & vicky calling me, thanks alot, i love you guys ton.
thanks andrea especially, for drying away my tears by talking to her.


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