Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dreams never come true
unless you do something to make it happen

thats all, got back HE results.
fail fail fail, everything also fail, fucked up.
whatever, dont scold me alrdy, i'll try my best for EOY.
scolding me dont make any diff,
so shut up, wait & see.
thanks, wo hui jiayou deh.

after school smsed & called sister,
thn went fajar mac with wk laodi & ahhole.
jer, ros & vicky got councillor meeting so they went for it, yep.
ahhole's mood werent that good, bt after that okay alrdy.
was fooling around, crapping laughing (:
hmmm, after that vicky called me & came to meet us.
crapppped, talked, suaned & more, haha.
andrea tio suan by all of us,
we all attack her using chinese, hahaha.

Pictures (:


booooo. boring now (:
parents not at home, kinda shiok,
bt nothing to do seh, sibei sian loh.
nobody call me yet, sian luhs,
andrea call me larh, i lazy talk to you in msn, haha.

okay thats all,
bye people~ *yawns



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