Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hello people.

boring man school.
music joel and yuyang was being super noisy.
chao si ren lerh, haha. idiots siah they. lol.
alot of them kena for pon-ing career guidance, aiyoyo.

btw today once in a lifetime assembly was fun,
like what jocee & andrea said.
haha, teachers were completing against each other & some students.
teachers were damn funny,
ms soo is super cool okay. haha, sad to say.

after school went to eat with sister,
while andrea homed after
then to meet yijing laopo, cos she say can pei me,
so happy :D
then abt 6 like that xh come home,
so she came down and meet us, talk chat,
xh was our maid for the day :X
went up to xh house and slack bahs,
we read her diary too.
she let us one.

after that walked home after walking yijing home (:
thats all, bye people.
tomorow going back prmary school,
woot, i miss people ♥
hmm, asking weekang laodi tmr if he's coming with me, yep.

its true, nothing lasts forever
a promise too pretty is just becos we're all too young
( heheh. some mature talking here, muahaha.)

thats all.

Featuring my retarded sister :O



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