Thursday, April 9, 2009

Understand me?

Initially, Gradually, Eventually..

its like 2am now,
& i'm still talking on the phone with jerlene yong,
it has been quite long since i talked to her for so many hours.
thanks for being there girl, (L)
surprisingly i told her so much stuffs that i nvr though i would tell her,haha.
& yayness to her finally telling me whats up on her mind,
when i like asked her since this/last morning..hmm.
she say dunid say any further on blog cos we sorta say all on phone alrdy. hey jer yong,
be honoured too,
cos this part's for you.
i knw i rock la, dnt need say one.


Maybe some things changed too much
until there's nothing left to say
but after so much, i'm still trying hard to hold on to it
i hope i'll still have the strength to believe
that things will turn out fine




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