Friday, April 3, 2009

define l-o-v-e

tell me.

hello :D
today was not bad lahs, cos its friday!
the happiest day of the week, wooohoooo.
first few lessons suck-ed, but ss not bad lahs, just abit too long.
anyway i dnt rly like sch's new timetable uh.
pe once in two weeks? wth loh. -.-
and as usual, packed with poa almost everyday.
lemme see.

today after school,
went to fajar with rosa, jocee, rachel & andrea.
me & andrea pei them eat lunch.
thn i went to find jer they all after that.
while they went dance & andrea went for golf.

met jer, dabian, wen & ahma for awhile,
ahma and wen jiu went for UG camp liao.
thn dabian help me and jer buy waffle while i pei jer to her hse put things.
thn jer and dabian pei me go cut hair. lol.
starting cut until like shit loh, thn i jitao sian diao.
like straight cut lo! hao xian now ok liao.
hehehehe, now okok lah acceptable.
cos behind got cut thinthin, front cut quite short.

after that jer came over to my hse,
showed her alot feilunhai videos, she's mesmerised by wu zun,
while me, my one & only lovely aaronyan! :D
thn awhile jiu went off alr.
walked to sch with her,
thn slacked at canteen, thn her *coughs* keep looking at her.
thn she paiseh dnt wanna look back hahaha.
shy shy ahhh :D

slack till 4.45 pei her go meet rosa & vicky le.
thn they went off for councillor thingy, sec4 ptm.
so i alone go up wait for jocee they all dance finish.
thn jer got find me awhile thn jiu went back le.
heh, she got liang xin, got call and care me, hoho :x

thn dancers end at like 6 likethat.
waited for jocee & ruth wear shoe,
thn jocee go canteen buy drink with ruth and me pei-ing.
thn went out of sch,
disiao disiao as usual retarded jocee,
thn keep pushing her thn she push me back,
hao xian i nvr kena push out to the road get bang dwn,
or not..
idk how many million buckets she will fill up with her tears flowing like waterfall

thn ruth took bus home,
jocee took senja route lrt thn want me pei cos of some stuff hahaha
so yah, pei her thn keep disiao her lah obviously
thn we act yi ge serious to each other.
thn she gimme fierce face which kind of scare me, lol.
but obviously she smiled after that,
who am i? yvette neo ley, the greatest of all :X

retarded lahs.
sent her to lrt outside..
thn change person LOL

after that meet yh for awhile
sent me home
thn here i am posting.
so, buhbye~


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