Friday, March 13, 2009


friday the 13th.

me, janis, wen, amanda, cassandra & patrice,
totally witnessed a taxi run over a poor weak & fragile white straydog.
and sound is so loud, & the taxi knew that it totally ran over it,
but it just drove away lyk as if nth happened.
cant believe there's such a bloody inhuman bastard in this world.
a very kind woman motor cyclist is the only one who helped this poor dog,
carried it to the grass & let it rest.
we were all helpless cos all tio shocked.
we only helped to signal cars to move away cos the dog is lying in the middle of the road.
poor thing.
it looks lke its crying which totally melts my heart.
cassie dialled for the SPCA peeps to come and take it.
it took quite a long time, but the man that carried the dog seems bochup.
which kinda piss me a lil.
but the thing that pissed me hell off.
is the 2 teachers (i shall not say) frm our sch that came out and see,
kaypo abit come out seesee thn come say who got cca go cca mre impt,
THEN went bk to sch as if nth happen, so !@#$%^&*!@#$@#$@$@#%$&@.
where's the 'Empathy' that you all teach us eh?
say only lah, say who also knw how to say.
no wonder nobody rly listens to all these crap they kept on saying,
whn they dnt even show it themself.

i hope the dog's doing fine now.

no offence abt the teachers part,
bt if you take it as an offence, so be it.


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