Wednesday, March 4, 2009

i am a disappointment

maybe i'm just afraid of falling,
being afraid it might be another big mistake.

hello.. :)

its been a few days since i've been updating.
but here i am now..

starting of the day was okay,
but mood was kinda affected by miss tan's ''see me after school'' during assembly.
so was wondering what she's gonna tell me,
but i alrdy expected..
this is the worst exam i did in my entire life.
i had nvr failed so many subjects before.
i guess in the end i think i can only pass 2 out of 7 subjs.
i rly didnt expect myself so fail chemistry..
i studied real hard for chemistry i swear..
end up almost everything i failed by only 1 mark.
guess i rly have a danger of dropping to n.a.

after school went to find miss tan..
she told me alot of stuffs..
she scolded me, yet touched me too.
thanks miss tan, you rock my whooooooole life.
rly thank god to knw a tcher like you,
i knw i've disappoint you this year,
i knw myself i've lost interest in studying.
i knw i cant depend on anyone to get good results.
i knw i did very badly this time round.
i knw i have to buck up really hard.
you said that i can do it,
like how i got a 7/50, F9 for your maths,
then rly strt chiong-ing for EOY,
thn end up can get a A2.
miss tan,in case you dontknow its all becos of you for that A2.
i will listen in class from now on,
i'll try my best to not fall aslp, TRY..
cos its very hard for the moment.
i'll try my best to concentrate on studies.
not caring abt other stuff that will affect me.
thanks miss julieeeee tan for everything,you rock.

thanks for my friends too, sisters
those that rly cared abt my studies,
thanks guys, love you guys a ton.
especially. jocee, jerlene & andrea :)

thanks mum,
for the talk i had with you last night. :)

after school went to eat lunch at fajar,
thn janis went home with sebas,
thn i went to pass lynn food,
thn went to meet jocee, thn slack at her hse dwnstair.
talked till quite late,
thn took lrt home.
so here i am.

thats all.

gotta catch up,
everythings going too fast for me.


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