Sunday, February 15, 2009

tell me its worth holding on

where were you,
whn everything inside of me were falling apart,
& whn all i needed was a call?

Happy belated valentines' day :D
i spent like 80 bucks, i want to jump dwn the building now.
ok, *shut myself up incase i go crazy*
lets look on the bright side,

today i spent nothing, cos i didnt go out.
hehs, just stayed at home and watched tv.
watched ''witch yoohee'', hehehe.
it play again, freaking love this korean drama.
thn slept cos american idol is too boring (must be)
thn bathed, thn went out to dinner.
thn came back, thn using comp now.

i need to start studying but i cant bring myself to.

thats all i guess.
& sorry jerlene yong, whn you called me this morning,
i was still sleeping, hehs.
sometimes i wished i dont have to go school at all.
but sometimes i wished i had to go everyday.

random stuffs.

i've been aiming for w902,
im gonna get it soon (i hope)

just put-ed a playlist.
in luvvvvv with the song called 'my hands' by of cos,
dearest david archuleta, heh.
and some other songs too.

bye people.
hope all of your had enjoyed your valentines' day :D

my mind is flooding with images of you.


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