Monday, January 19, 2009

i tried not to think, & i tried not to care

today was okay.
woke up with not a very good mood.
cos some unhappy stuffs happened yesterday..
but sister managed to make me happy as usual.
thanks sister. hohoh.

first period is chemistry.
but before that got caught for socks, too low.
amanda, hweewen, nadia and some others got caught too.
yeah, & jocee managed to escape it.. somehow :x

english, was kinda boring.
couldnt really stand the subj.
like boring uhs.

P.O.A, was blur as usual..
hweewen is sick, so keep telling her go home.
cos she like xin ku uh, kelian, hope she'll b okay tmr.
thn did a lil bit of poa, ltr nida do the hwork.

recess nothing much i guess.

mother tounge,
anyhow uh, nothing much.
quarrelled with sister, thn after a few minutes jiu okay alr.
we cant stand not quarrelling,
and we cant stand not toking to each other too.
we're weirdos :/
no uh :)
i wished andrea is my my chinese class too.

hweewen homed alrdy,
so is with weekang thorough.
he rocks uhhhs.
ate sweets, and he got eat potato chips, haha.
he slept awhile in geog,
thn woke up and helped him a lil to finish the work.

hello obviously its boring
so didnt really care and i forgot what happened anyways

after school
whn to fajar eat lunch with jocee and amanda,
had fun with them, talking abt alot of stuffs.
amanda's veh funny uhs. hahah :)

after that went back to school,
cos ruth rosa and andrea in school,
so went to join them.
did a lil work and went crazy with them,
cos of a particular maths question that confused all of us.
but actually me and andrea is right all along,
just that amanda and jocee got us confused. :x
&& yeah, rosalind is like freaking cute lorrr, haha.
that idiot ruth is laughing like crazy is usual :)

nida home at 6+ cos nida go out eat dinner.
so jocee and ruth pei me till somewhere near my hse,
hehe, thanks girls. loves.

thats all i guess.
i just know that everythings unpredictable,
you will nvr know what will happen nxt..


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