Sunday, January 18, 2009

1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you, i love you.

let me rewind back to the past for just one day

oh, hiiiiiiiiiiiii!! *imitating someone*
for people who know,
pls shut up dont say ok, thankyou (8

went out with jerlene, ruth, weihui, jocee and rach.
we had a greatttttt day!

is a cut-my-frindge-until-look-like-crap day.
aww man, xie lao shi you're so dead tomorow.
i'll make life difficult for you for sure.
hope andrea cn work with me,hahah.
my frindge is omg short now,
look like an idiot.
crap uhs.

hope it grows back before tomorow.

waiting for sister's call now.
so slow. (8


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