Saturday, January 10, 2009

School is boring.

SCHOOOOL.. (yawns)
end of MIA-ing? not sure yet.
came to post cos feel like posting. (8
busy with schooling/homeworks/slacking/studying.
too many to use comp & updating.
i havent do my maths yet, mr goh give so many.
miss tan come back please, aww.

went for braces appointment,
changed braces to orange colour, hahaha.
looks weird.. but whatever.
try a new colour every month mah.
hehs, (8

school ended at 12.30pm like omgxz woohoo weee yay.
so slacked with jocee rosa jer jx ruth weekang rach lynn venus at canteen.
then went to fajar with some of them.
after that went back to school as all dancers have dance.
and jer and jx wanna do bio ar sch and i dnt take bio (obvious)
so i went home.

came back to school at 4plus due to the noisiness of jer's calls.
waited to dancers, watch abit basketball match bt didnt rly see.
dancers finish, waited for rosa mum come fetch her home,
me jocee jer ruth went to eat dinner while venus homed.
eventually ate instant noodles frm 7-11 for dinner,
after a longggggg time of deciding.

after that walked to bangkit, ''sent'' jerlene home.
me jocee ruth took bus. ruth homed.
i went to jocee house.
planned to do maths but didnt.
talk to sister all the way abt alot of stuffs
till like 10 plus whn mum called and screamed at me.
so homed,


bye (8


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