Sunday, December 21, 2008

Home sweet home! :D

im back yesterday night.
contact a few ppl whn just come back.
this month bill cfm bomb lerh,
overseas i still gt msg and call..
i had fun there with family,
loads of fun, and bought some stuff bah.
I love my family like crazyyyyyyy.
& mum finally taught me, cousin kor and jie majong.
hahaha, hedy uh hedy i know liao :)
will post pics next time.
my phone that memory card area got problem,
needa send it for repair..hope my mum allows cos i lost my guarantee card.

i love jay chou! :D

i needa repair my phone badly.
& i wanna meet andrea, i wanna see her reborn-ed hair 8D

im bored so i'll do anything to kill boredom.

1)Who is the last person who tagged you?
- Jocee,lynn,vicky,joel?
2)The relationship between you and her/him?
- Sisters, friends, erzi.
3)Your 5 impressions of her/him?
- crazy
- retarded
- emotional
- bimbolicious :D
- high pitched
- cute
- small
- retarded
- kiddish :D
- little
- idiot
- asshole
- the word 'hi'
- mushroom
- clever (whatever) :D
- idiot
- childish
- retard
- funny
- tall

4)If she/he become your enemy, you will?
- wont deh.
5)What will you say to the person whom you like very much?
- i like alot of ppl v much :).
6)The characteristic(s) you love yourself is... ?
- pure (:D)
7)The characteristic(s) you hate yourself is... ?
- too slack.
8)For the person whom I hate, you say...
- dont have leh.
9)What do people feel about you?
- how i know, lols.
10)Who you have a crush to?
- aaronyanyalun, hehes.
11)The most ideal person you want to be is... ?
- myself. :D
12)Pass on this quiz to 10 person :
1] Jocee
2] Vicky
3] Jerlene
4] Andrea
5] Ruth
6] Lynn
7] Janis
8] Sujing
9] Jiaxuan
10] Joel
(cn choose not to do, put for fun niahs)

13)If no.5 & no.7 were together,what will happened ?
- [Ruth & Janis] they aint lesbos lah :)
14)Who does no.5 likes?
- [Ruth] hmmmmm.
15)What does no.9 likes?
- [Jiaxuan] dabian :)
16)Say something about no.8
- [Sujing] she's my sibaichi rkb.
17)Who is no.2?
- [Vicky] She's an asssss.
18)Talk about no.3
- [Jerlene] she loves me(!), sisters, and ahem..
19)Who is no.10 bestie?
- [Joel] Fiq?
20)Who is the sexiest person among the 10 person?
- idk. haha.
21)What colour does no.4 likes?
- [Andrea] mine Orange lor.
22)Is no.4 single?
- [Andrea] yep.
23)What is your relationship with no.1?
- [Jocee] my sister.
24)Is no.5 & no.6 best friends?
- [Ruth & Lynn] yeap shld be.
25)What is no.9's surname?
- [Jiaxuan] Gweeeeee.
26)What is no.7's nickname?
- [Janis] idk? haha.
27)What things do you wish to say to no.8?
- [Sujing] see yah soon?
28)What you will do to help no.9?
- [Jiaxuan] she dont need my help la :(
29)Who does no.1 admires?
- [Jocee] Me! LOL. nah. herself lah, that zilian queen.

yay cured boredom for like 10mins.
k bye~


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