Thursday, November 13, 2008

Love is not two persons looking at each other, but two persons looking in the same direction.

Somewhere out there.


first day of camp, nt bad,
not as boring as i thought :x
water games are quite okay, kinda cold though.
tomorow jer's going, and i guess it'll be funner,
and hope she joins my/vickys grp.
today was fooling around with farisha, jocee, rosa, andrea, vicky.
they are idiots.. and one asshole, and they rocks.

today i think the strting of ms mandys talk is meaningful.
its like, how you feel that ppl will think of you when you die?
- how will ur friends/family/teacher will feel about you?
i just answered how i hope they would feel,
of cos how would i know how they would feel.
all i know is, when i die..
i wanna be someone who had made my parents proud,
even just for once, im alrdy satisfied, and i dont think i had done tat before.
for teachers, i think they will find me irritating,
cos im like a super slow learner, ppl that teaches me cfm need alot patience.
thats why miss tan's the best teacher in my heart (omg did i just say that -.-)
kidding, hah. friends i rly dk,
just wanna be someone who you know will be always there for yah,
someone who youcan call up anytime & someone who listens :O
- what have you achieved in your life if you die now?
well, all i know is i had achieved nothing,
and i hope i dont die so soon if nt theres tons of regrets.
even now there's alrdy damn lot of regrets alrdy.
how i wished i can go back to when i was young and strt over again.
i would have study harder by then and not only in eoy then study.
i wouldnt slack so much during the streaming year.
i shouldnt have wasted so much money whenever i go out last yr.
things, moments, people that i might not have cherished (?)
there's still alot, things that i wouldnt want to mention,
but its over, nothing can chnage it ler, so life goes on :)
and im still happy, the way my life is now.
oh well .. i guess i have to be.

wow, what a big chunk of post there :/
anyway it may be full of crap or shits to you bt its not to me.

btw i miss people larhs.
hope can see them soon, bye.


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