Monday, August 18, 2008

I just cant get things right.

today sucks ):
hais, totally fcuk-ed up with myself,
cant control, sorry.
i cant do anything well, even if i tried my best.
no matter what, EOY im definately gonna chiong.
i cant do this shit anymore.
if i continue like this i'll drop to NA alrdy.
so yeah, laodi's gonna chiong with me, so jiayou everyone (:
& thanks peng yous,
i god damn love you guys ~

after school go bpp with people.
then yeah, all that lalalas.
were chatting in the kopitiam with sister, smg, ahhole.
after that went to buy stuffs then homed with sister,
get well soon sister, lalas.

cheers ~
tell me how am i gonna explain to mummy :( :( :(



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