Friday, August 15, 2008

Hello people :D


vicky is an idiot sitting beside me :O
the other 3 retarded ahholes after outside watching enchanted.
3 retardies are jocee, rosa, andrea.
crap, stupid vicky make fun of me,
go jia sai lah hor :P

today was last 2 papers,
history and science,
didnt study for history, like duh (:
science paper was quite okay lahh, but quite hard also.
now at ros honey's house with people,
weekang laodi came too! yay, hahah.
now we're all retarding away,
as usual.

okay thats all i guess,
btw vicky want a column for her to type in my post,
so yeah.
vicky pls. LOL

yvette is an idiot.
she jia sai better.
so lousy.
she was typing :O den her mouth also :O
-.- idiot right?
just like my cousin.
just that cousin more hyper.
play mario den the character jump she also jump. -.-
idiots everywhere.
anwwww, go see my blog alrights. (:
thanks people for todayy!
esp bryan, girlfriends and.. yvette the great, sad to say.
she lao kui lahs.
everytime lose to me in everything, except rifle. ):
& pistol of course, needless to say. >>> she buayba-ing le. :X
she just scolded me asshole. ><
oks, bye bye, all the readers of the idiot's blog. XD
anw, she just said that she's pure.
*rolls eyes


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