Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Independent, but relying on you now.

Hmm, guess evryone's studying now yehs?
little ppl seems to blog/tag/update recently.
anyways, today was maths paper 2,
totally scare the hell outta me at the last minute,
cos i didnt manage to finish it. :(

but its over, so i didnt brood over it anymre,
though somehow i'm really sensitive towards maths,
all thanks to ah tan. haha.
she didnt say 'jiayou' to be today maybe thats way i will do quite badly this time round. haha, (crap) okay lah i admit i didnt rly study maths paper 2 this time round :S

i'm waiting.. for the last two papers to be over,
thn it'll be PARTY time! :D
k bye.


Blogger Ivy and Haley said...

We are in the middle finals as well. It's killing us. Organic chemistry especially.

Are you feeling like you can't wait for it to be over but desperately want more time? That's my feeling.

May 13, 2009 at 5:13 AM  

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